It is about unity, its about standing up for who you are, its about being proud! And for a lot of people it steams from music! Just as the classic skins of 69! We are gay skinheads are no less than straight skinheads, we are all enriching and adding to as well as supporting the culture, I myself am a full time skinhead, its not just a fetish for me, its a lifestyle,so here is the story of my first experiance, an experiance that changed me, made me more confident and helped forge an unbreakable bond of friendship and brotherhood. Yes there is part of, if not most of the fetish skin scene that captivates on that, but its not what being a skinhead is about.
I have been a gay skinhead for almost 10 years now, and it has really enriched my life for many reasons mainly because of the group i associate with, their all mega friendly always up for a good laugh and a drink,when people say skinhead you instantly think thug, but that is a misconception.